sexta-feira, julho 29, 2005

From God to Michael Moore

Em dezembro de 2004 assisti o documentário de Michael Moore FAHRENHEI 9/11.
Logo depois comprei o livro e vi que havia um capítulo em que Michael escrevia como Deus. Não sei porquê, tive uma vontade de escrever para ele como se fosse Deus, e assim o fiz.
Que Deus me perdoe!

Loved son Michael

Changing my routine, I contact you because yours movies and books are perturbing the human evolution plan.
I will explain you somethings:
1- The Bible, new and old testaments gives only a part of the true. Somethings d'ont was revealed.(Somethings are distorted by some sons in the long run). But all that happen have a purpose.
2- The man is really my image, but some are a little different because they are beeing constructed. They aren't ready.
3- Adam and Eva aren't my unique sons. I have many others and they are with me.
Some of my sons want have some experiences, and after eating the science fruit to lost the education that I give them they are reading to travel to the paradise that I do for them, that you named EARTH.
EARTH is identical(was) to our paradise here.
They do a peregrination in Earth to know the BIG TRUE by theirs own manner, without my ostensive presence.
4- They (you) are discovering that only the love construct as you explain in some parts of your work. Unhappy for some of you, the apprenticeship is only do by passing by a great agony.
5- In this apprenticeship several sons had collaborated:
- Atila
- Alexander
- The Caesars
- and much and much others.
Is extense the collaborators list.
George and Bin, my loved sons, are doing a big effort in this walking, but you, with your apprenticeship more evoluted is perturbing them.
All my my sons can call me, same, taking one thing for another.
They (good friends) are helping someone of you that d'ont know the TRUE. (This manner brooking my heart, but you choose the perigrination way).
6- You (Mike) choose the logic to open the eyes of yours brothers. But for most of them this is not the correct way, as I explained.
When the people are in agony they open theirs hearts and then they can understand what the love can do.
Loved son Michael, leave yours brothers George and Bin do theirs works. Stop your effort to show the true and the mans will evolve more rapid.
7 - Unhappy I must say you that the love is the basic principle but you are farr from the practical use of this knowing. Jesus, that had the biggest love, have aready explain you the practical way to increwment the practicaol things give by the love. I d'ont say you how to do this because you d'ont will give the real value. You must discover what is, and then developpe all in function of this.
I am very happy in do this contact with you because you are a loved son.


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