sábado, maio 06, 2006

Washington 24h - 4

Fico imaginando a cena de anos atrás:

Kennedy ou o sucessor dele (que alguns acham que participou da conspiração do assassinato de Kennedy) ou Reagan ou Bush pai ( não sei, teria que fazer uma pesquisa) comandando uma importantíssima reunião de estruturação da estratégia americana para o futuro:

- Senhores, nossa próxima análise é a da situação do petróleo e eu diria que talvez seja o mais importante problema do planeta nos próximos 50 anos. O ministro da indústria preparou um pequeno relatório que vamos ouvir agora. Por favor Sr. Ministro.

- Bem, não sei se os senhores têm a exata noção de quão grave é este problema. O petróleo e seus derivados não são só um simples combustível para impulsionar nossos fantásticos carros. Toda a indústria plástica, tecidos sintéticos, equipamentos para aviação, náutica, medicina, substâncias para fabricação dos mais diversos equipamentos da nossa vida atual, dependem do petróleo. Nossa nação se tornou tão poderosa, graças à descoberta deste combustível feito pela natureza há milhões de anos. Mas tem um problema, não é renovável, isto é, usou acabou, fim, não tem mais!

O problema é que nossas reservas são insuficientes para os próximos 40 anos. Ficaremos a mercê dos detentores das grandes reservas mundiais de petróleo, notadamente o Oriente Médio, onde se encontra as maiores reservas da natureza.

- Obrigado Sr. Ministro. Vamos ouvir agora o nosso Ministro de Assuntos Estratégicos.

- Obrigado Sr. Presidente. Partindo da premissa que não podemos ficar parados e face a esse caos anunciado, nossos técnicos fizeram alguns estudos e estão nos propondo o seguinte:
Começar de imediato uma política de amizade com o Oriente Médio, amizade esta que teria o objetivo de trazer alguns países como a Arábia Saudita e o Iraque para a área de dependência, estratégica e militar do nosso país.
Tendo os aiatolás eliminado o chá Reza Pah-Levi que já estava sob nossa dependência, pois a CIA conseguiu botar os pés pelas mãos na época do levante contra sua alteza, nos resta o Iraque, que não vamos dizer que morre de amores pelos USA mas cujo ditador Saddan Hussein possui uma obsessão pelo controle da região.
A idéia seria dar todo o apoio a Saddan para uma luta contra os fanáticos aiatolás. Forneceríamos todo arsenal disponível, até mesmo armas de destruição em massa, o que fosse possível. Ao fim da guerra teríamos as reservas do Irã e do Iraque sob nosso controle, uma vez que o Iraque estaria empenhado na dívida com os USA que com certeza alcançará níveis estratosféricos. Continuaríamos a dar apoio a ele. O ideal é que ao fim da luta, consigamos recrutar resistentes iranianos aos quais daríamos apoio militar para manter um elevado nível de resistência ao Iraque, ocasionando assim um canal aberto para nossa indústria de armamentos que forneceria material para os dois lados, mantendo assim a dependência militar com o nosso país e abrindo um enorme mercado para uma das nossas principais indústrias.

A Arábia Saudita,já esta sob nossa influência. Os Bin-Laden já são grandes investidores em nosso país, tem grandes negócios com os Bush, na área de petróleo, lá no Texas. Um dos Bin-Laden é inclusive um grande e importante colaborador da CIA para assuntos do Oriente Médio.

Achamos que com essa estratégia teremos o controle do petróleo, o que vai ser chave no desenvolvimento de qualquer país no futuro.

- Senhores deixo aberto agora à discussão sobre a proposta do Sr. Ministro.

- Sr. Presidente, e se por acaso o Irã conseguir deter o avanço Iraquiano?

- Impossível, com a nossa tecnologia isto não ocorrerá.

- Mas nós estamos no Vietnã e a coisa ta feia.

- A condição militar do Oriente Médio é ideal para nossa ação, com a tropa motorizada. O Vietnã é diferente. A selva impede o uso dos motorizados mas com o tempo e nosso poderio militar vamos acabar com os comunistas do Vietnã do Norte.

- Sr. Ministro, como explicamos a opinião pública o fato de apoiarmos o governo do Iraque e da Arábia Saudita que são ditaduras horrendas que inclusive patrocinaram genocídios étnicos com alguns povos?

- Infelizmente temos que conviver com isto. Mas no fundo mesmo, o cidadão americano vai saber que desse comportamento depende o preço do galão lá na bomba de gasolina. Sempre podemos manipular a imprensa mexendo com o ego americano.

- Sr. Ministro, não se pensa em combustíveis alternativos? O hidrogênio e outros combustíveis bio-renováveis?

- Pensamos, o problema que quem sustenta a indústria bélica é o governo. Porta aviões, navios de guerra, caças, bombardeios, tanques,e toda a espécie derivada da indústria de armamentos têm um único consumidor, nós o governo. A indústria de armamento que emprega milhões e milhões de americanos, tem que ser mantida pela estabilidade do status quo econômico. O governo não tem capacidade financeira para suportar pesquisas de milhões e milhões de dólares sem nenhum efeito imediato.
Cada caça que sai da fábrica, cada bomba que cai no Vietnã mantém o alto padrão de vida de milhares de americanos. Então cada centavo que revertemos para indústria bélica vai parar no bolso do cidadão americano.
A iniciativa privada é que poderia patrocinar essa pesquisa, mas quem quer investir bilhões de dólares para ganhar daqui há 30 anos se ele pode aplicar agora e ganhar agora?

- Mas alguma pergunta? Podemos encerrar? Aprovamos a estratégia delineada. Pronto. Aprovado!

- Os senhores receberão as ações a serem implantadas nas próximas semanas. Obrigado e a reunião está encerrada.

É amigos, se não foi assim, tenho certeza que foi parecida.

Alguns anos mais tarde, os USA fugiram do Vietnã, o saldo foi de milhões de pessoas mortas, a foto de uma criança, uma menina, sem roupa, queimada com Napalm correndo numa estrada, correu o mundo. E Bush pergunta porque cada vez mais gente detesta os governos dos USA, não o povo, ele é manipulado e mal conduzido, por presidentes interesseiros e despreparados.

O Irã conseguiu resistir à coligação Iraque – USA graças à morte de milhões de pessoas. Milhares de crianças mortas, famílias sem lares, sofrendo os horrores das seqüelas das armas biológicas, gases e outras desgraças fabricadas nos USA. E Bush pergunta porque cada vez mais gente detesta os governos dos USA, não o povo, ele é manipulado e mal conduzido, por presidentes interesseiros e despreparados.

Aquele figurante da realeza saudita que era colaborador da CIA,enlouqueceu e jogou 2 aviões contra o WTC, um no Pentágono e outro caiu antes de chegar ao alvo que seria a Casa Branca.

Cara, eu já fico desconfiado se o tal ajudante, o Bin-Laden da CIA, ainda não o é. Graças a ele os USA conseguiram criar um clima para invadir o Iraque, que não tinha nada a ver com isso, a não ser ter a segunda maior reserva de petróleo do mundo.

E o engraçado é que os USA “não conseguem pegar ele”.

Novas reuniões devem ter sido feitas e novas desgraças ocorreram. Ta aí para quem conseguir enxergar!

Aonde vamos?

Só nos resta rezar para que o povo dos USA se encontre e veja, que não ele, mas os governantes eleitos por eles fizeram um plano louco, e que estão destruindo tudo de bom que o os USA podem legar a humanidade, rezar para que o povo veja que o preço baixo do galão de gasolina na bomba do posto está negando a própria intenção americana de ser um grande povo.

Iran - Iraq war:

Iran-Iraq War
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Iran-Iraq War

Iranian Soldiers and Iraqi Tanks on the battlefield
Date: 22 September 1980–20 August 1988
Location: Persian Gulf, Iranian-Iraqi border
Result: stalemate; United Nations-mandated cease-fire

Iran Iraq
Est. 450,000-957,000 Est. 450,000-650,000
Modern wars in the Persian Gulf
Iran-Iraq War – Gulf War – 2003 invasion of Iraq – Iraq War
The Iran-Iraq War, also called the First Persian Gulf War, or the Imposed War (جنگ تحمیلی, Jang-e-tahmīlī) in Iran and Saddām's Qādisiyyah (قادسيّة صدّام, Qādisiyyat Saddām) in Iraq, was a war between the armed forces of Iraq and Iran lasting from September 1980 to August 1988. It was commonly referred to as the (Persian) Gulf War until the Iraq-Kuwait conflict (1990–91), which became known as the Second Persian Gulf War and later simply the Persian Gulf War.

It has been called "the longest conventional war of the 20th century", and cost 1 million casualties and US$1.19 trillion. (D. Hiro)

The war began when Iraq invaded Iran on 22 September 1980 following a long history of border disputes, demands for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, and secret encouragement by the US administration (Jimmy Carter, conveyed through Saudi Arabia) which was embroiled in a dispute with the new regime in Iran.
The conflict saw early successes by the Iraqis, but before long they were repelled and the conflict stabilized into a long war of attrition. The United Nations Security Council called upon both parties to end the conflict on multiple occasions, but a ceasefire was not agreed to until 20 August 1988, and the last prisoners of war were not exchanged until 2003. The war irrevocably altered politics in the area, playing into wider global politics and leading to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

The war is also noted for extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraqi forces.

The war (according to one estimate) resulted in USD$350 billion in damages to Iran alone.

Vietnam war: Vietnam War
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Estimating the number killed in the conflict is extremely difficult. Official records from North Vietnam are hard to find or nonexistent and many of those killed were literally obliterated by bombing. For many years the North Vietnamese suppressed the true number of their casualties for propaganda purposes. It is also difficult to say exactly what counts as a "Vietnam war casualty"; people are still being killed today by unexploded ordnance, particularly cluster bomblets. More than 40,000 Vietnamese have been killed or injured so far by landmines and unexploded ordnance. [6]

Environmental effects from chemical agents and the colossal social problems caused by a devastated country with so many dead surely caused many more lives to be shortened.

The lowest casualty estimates, based on North Vietnamese statements which are now discounted by Vietnam, are around 1.5 million Vietnamese killed. Vietnam's Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs released figures on April 3, 1995, reporting that 1.1 million fighters—Viet Cong guerrillas and North Vietnamese soldiers—and nearly 2 million civilians in the north and the south were killed between 1954 and 1975. Other figures run as high as 4 million civilian casualties with 1 million casualties being NVA or VC fighters. Robert McNamara, in his regretful memoir of the war, references a figure of 3.2 million. The number of wounded fighters was put at 600,000. It remains even more unclear how many Vietnamese civilians were wounded.

Of the U.S. military, 58,226 were killed in action or classified as missing in action. A further 153,303 US military personnel were wounded to give total casualties of 211,529. The United States Army took the majority of the casualties with 38,179 killed and 96,802 wounded; the Marine Corps lost 14,836 killed and 51,392 wounded; the Navy 2,556 and 4,178; the Air Force lost 2,580 and 931; with the lowest deaths in terms of numbers and percentages among the branches being the Coast Guard, with seven dead and 60 wounded.

Virtually all Vietnamese were affected by the war, having endured large scale bombardments and targeted killings. During the war's height in the late 1960s, about half of South Vietnam's population of 20 million people have been displaced.

Unexploded U.S. explosives
It is estimated that six million unexploded bombs dropped by U.S. bombers are left in the region. This has been a major problem in agriculture. The cost of removing them would be enormous. However, people and organizations are attempting to remove these mines and unexploded bombs.

Contamination from U.S. Chemicals
U.S. herbicides, most importantly the dioxin-based Agent Orange which was used to remove plant cover from large areas, continue to change the landscape, cause diseases and poisoning within food-chain in the areas where they were used.

Many veterans who had been exposed to the defoliation agent known as Agent Orange later developed health problems, resulting in class action lawsuits against the government. The U.S. department of Veterans Affairs awarded compensation to 1,800 of some 250,000 claimants.

Children, Kim Phuc Phan Thi in left-center, run down a road near Trang Bang after an ARVN napalm attack on villages suspected of harboring NLF fighters in June 1972. Photo by Huynh Cong Ut, which became a symbol of the international movement against U.S. involvement in Vietnam. (© Nick Ut/The Associated Press)

FOTOS DO IRAQUE - http://www.scoop.co.nz/features/?s=warimages

VÍDEO DO IRAQUE - http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL0511/S00178.htm


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Não resisti - Dois seres tão distantes... achando a mesmíssima coisa, engraçado não?

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

Pro-American = Anti-BushCo

By Cindy Sheehan

I (and every single other individual on this planet working for peace and justice) am often accused of being "anti-American" for dissenting against my feral government that has gone wild with lawlessness and greed; even though dissent from our government is as American as apple pie. Some people believe that if one is critical of the Bush criminal regime, then one is anti-American.

I steadfastly believe that to be anti-BushCo means being pro-American; pro-life; and most of all: pro-peace.

In a recent article in the Boston Globe (Sun, April 30) the Bush regime is blamed for breaking or giving itself permission to break over 750 laws. George is the only sitting president to have admitted to breaking laws and for openly disdaining the constitution as an "old scrap of paper." How can we peaceniks be accused of being anti-American when the squatter in the Oval Office has no respect for the supreme law of the land? But of course, 9/11 changed the world and we are a nation "at war" so George thinks he can do whatever he wants even though he is the one who made us a nation at war with his lies and deceptions. I will stipulate that the constitution is a deeply flawed document, but the founders realized this and gave we future generations ways to amend it and one of the ways to amend it is not just "cuz the president says so." He may be the decider but he is not the amender.

Extreme rendition and torture are being authorized from the top and carried out in the name of the American people. A recent Amnesty International report calls torture "widespread" for people in US captivity. CIA trained black operatives have even bragged how inhuman and brutal that water-boarding is and gave a high level terrorist his persecution props for being able to last over two minutes. In this particularly lovely form of torture, a person has cellophane wrapped around his mouth and nose and tipped at an angle so water pours over his face--thus creating the feeling of drowning--so to avoid choking, the prisoner succumbs. Our own torturers, who have to go through the ropes, can last for only a few seconds in this torture. Add the sexual depravation practiced on the prisoners with the tormenting of some prisoners by flushing the Koran and so forth: then not only is the humanity of the tortured broken, but the torturer also becomes lower than an animal. I used to watch a lot of Animal Planet but I have never seen nor heard of a four legged creature torturing another four legged creature. However, as long as we Americans condone this behavior from the ones who authorize such viciousness from the top, we are the torturers also. We become the thing that we abhor.

George, Condi, Rummy, Dicky, Wolfie, Colin, et al., went on a media blitz of propaganda before the invasion. We all know now that they were lying and knew they were lying when they told us that Saddam had wmd and would use them on America--he had a fleet of remote control planes that could be deployed to the US at a moment's notice--the smoking gun could come in the shape of a mushroom cloud—Powell pointed out where the wmd were hidden on the map—Saddam was trying to buy yellow-cake uranium from Niger—on and on and on. By the time that the US military began to use wmd on the people of Iraq, we all knew that BushCo were full of camel manure and we watched in horrified, near silence, as the people of Fallujah were burned beyond recognition by white phosphorous and enhanced napalm.

Not withstanding the crimes against our own constitution and the crimes against humanity that BushCo have executed, the assassins with a governmental seal of approval attached, pay lip service to being anti-abortion. The people who run things into the ground for us are nothing about being pro-life. I wonder how our fellow citizens who say that they are pro-life reconcile the fact that their government has massacred thousands of innocent Iraqis, many of whom are mothers, children, babies and unborn babies. These harmless victims have not only been killed by bombs, bullets, shrapnel, but they have been killed by a lack of clean water, medicine, and basic medical care. We can't expect the people who bomb abortion clinics and kill doctors to care about the babies of Iraq and will even say: "we have to fight them over there, so we don't fight them over here," but I have to believe that the average American, warnik or not, has to have compassion for the suffering of Iraqi citizens whose only crime is to have been born in the wrong place at the wrong time. An Iraqi woman that I have met here in the states is a doctor who works in the Baghdad morgue, she told me that at least 1600 bodies come through her morgue per month. This is just in Baghdad.

Many of my friends voted for George in the 2004 election telling me that he is "pro-life," My answer to them is that George is "pro-birth" and once the baby gets out, he has no problem with subjecting them to inadequate education, health care, clean environment, jobs and, then to boot, killing them in war. If George was truly pro-life, Casey and legions of people would still be alive. Life is life: born and unborn. The corporations in Iraq are the things that need to be aborted. Bring the war profiteers home, save the children.

Dr. Martin Luther King said that if we do not practice non-violent co-existence, we will have to suffer mutual annihilation. With Bush being such a lame duck and under threat of the domino theory of indictment, I shudder to think of the continued war in Iraq and the future wars that he will begin just to bolster his sense of failure and lack of self confidence to insanely insure his place in history. Even he must know that he will not be judged kindly by future historians. It is terribly frightening to think of what a person like this is capable of especially when there are so many bad men with their hands in the profitable cookie jar who are pulling his strings and when he is willing to go along as a willing puppet with the neocon PNAC flow and as a corporate whore to the war profiteers.

If we want to have a viable future to leave as a legacy to our children and the children of the world, BushCo must be stopped, not supported and funded by a Congress who is getting their strings pulled by the same malevolent puppeteers that pull the chains of corporate greed of the executive branch.

We need to shut down the war machine and realize that to feed that monster our country has to be, and has been, at constant war with some country or the other, especially since WWII. It is a fact of life, whether Republican or Democrat in power, we are suppressing and killing other people to make the world safe for our corporations. To help facilitate the spread of the contaminated semen of "Planet America" the leader of every country that stands up to the corporate America are being demonized and are ripe for BushCo to bring them "freedom and democracy" which is really just a Trojan Horse carrying genocide and destruction.

How do we throw a monkey wrench into the war machine? We join boycotts, such as the one against Exxon/Mobil. We buy gas from President Chavez and Venezuela's Citgo to help him in his struggle against corporate America—not against Americans. Hugo Chavez has done more to help the less fortunate citizens in our Northeast and Katrina victims than BushCo who have shown themselves quite adept at fiddling while the world is burning and enriching themselves in the blood soaked process.

Unfortunately, BushCo does symbolize everything that America is about, but they do not have to. We the people of the United States in order to secure a more perfect union need to vociferously and with everything we have stand up to the traitors in power and redefine, if not reclaim, what it means to be Americans. For me, it means living in a country where health care, education, human rights, jobs, peace and prosperity are readily available, not just to the rich white ruling class, but to everyone! This is pro-American. Torture, committing atrocities on a helpless people, and honoring and protecting the life of corporate America above human life are not.

And by the way, if an imminent attack on Iran does not frighten you, think WWIII.

Be pro-American. Urge your congressman, whether he/she is Republican or Democrat, to stand up for our country by supporting articles of impeachment against BushCo. November will be too late for too many people.

Cindy Sheehan is the mother of Spc Casey Sheehan who was KIA in Iraq on 04/04/04. She is the author of Not One More Mother's Child and the founder of Gold Star Families for Peace.


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Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

Pro-American = Anti-BushCo

By Cindy Sheehan

I (and every single other individual on this planet working for peace and justice) am often accused of being "anti-American" for dissenting against my feral government that has gone wild with lawlessness and greed; even though dissent from our government is as American as apple pie...

Nota do Fred: Esse comportamento de dizer que quem critica a guerra no Iraque é anti-americano, eu ja vi uma outra vez aqui no Brasil - na ditadura!

Quem era contra o governo era anti-Brasil.

E se voce é contra o Brasil: Ame-o ou deixe-o.

Podemos sugerir o mesmo lema lá pro Bush.


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